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Silverado Sierra Upgrade Package

Avoid the $5800 repair bill!  

We have been rebuilding the Sierra and Silverado transmissions for several years now and we always see the same problem. The pump wears out and the loss of pressure ends up ruining the torque converter. When the torque converter fails it ruins the rest of the transmission requiring the $5800 repair. To make matters worse, the pumps are currently on national backorder due to the high failure rate.

We have figured out a way for you to avoid this horrible experience!

Before you experience catatrophic failure bring your truck to us and we will remove the transmission, service the common wearing part in the pump and install a heavy duty PNH torque converter. We will also replace the 1234 piston with a Sonnax billet piston. We will disassemble the control valve body and vacuum check the critial bores and install a Sonnax ZIP kit which addresses wear before it causes failure. We will use our Hotflushing machine to clean the transmission cooler located in the radiator and check the system for leaks. We will protect your investment with fully synthetic transmission fluid and upgrade the operating software so that you have the latest programing available from GM.

Since we are not accomplishing a full overhaul you will save THOUSANDS of dollars, not to mention the pain and aggrivation of having to have your vehicle towed and your plans wrecked when your vehicle breaks down unexpectedly.

Currently we are offering this upgrade for $3800 which is alot of money, but far less then you will spend anywhere else because we are the only shop that is offering this service.

Call or come by the shop and we will be happy to show you what you will be getting and how quickly we can work you into our schedule.  Call 660 747 2272 and ask for Cody Nelson